India - Bhutan Border Set To Open Gates

After a hiatus of 2.5 years both the Governments of India & Bhutan have decided to reopen their gates in order to boost tourism. The border gates at Samdrup Jongkhar and Gelephu along with the Assam frontier will reopen for tourists from September since the situation is much favourable than before and safe for the visitors. 

LCC Travels & Rentals offers an array of Bhutan packages including Family trips, Honeymoon packages, By road, Cultural tours and much more.

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Nagaland To Promote Off Road Tourism

Nagaland has always been a beautiful place to experience rolling ranch lands and white fluffy clouds hovering above. Unlimited exploration possibilities from heritage village to wildlife sanctuaries, Nagaland makes a lasting effect in the minds of travellers. Nagaland Tourism has taken one step further and taken an initiative to start off-road tourism that would spread beyong the known places of Dimapur and Kohima. Travellers can now experience the land, people and their culture and explore the journey of remote travel.

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Haryana to get largest museum of Harappan Culture

Indus valley civilization has all the way enthralled lot of historians and many travel enthusiasts due to its incredible urban planning, drainage systems, water supply, and handicrafts. To keep the popularity intact, Haryana Govt has decided to make the state home to the world's largest museum of Harappan culture. Rakhigarhi, a village in Hisar district of Haryana, situated some 150 km from Delhi, will host the museum that will display some 5000-year-old Indus Valley artifacts. The village is also a famous archaeological site from the Indus Valley civilization period.

Durga Puja

With the auspicious occasion of Mahalaya on 25th September, the mood of Bengal will completely change as Puja starts from 1st of October. This festival hosts millions of art segments of highest order that visitors have ever experienced. During this time Bengal experiences a huge influx of travelers all around the world. If you have still not planned for Durga Puja then you are surely missing a lifetime opportunity.

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Right after Durga Puja the entire India will gear up for the festival of lights popularly known as Diwali. This festival is celebrated with utmost grandeur in every state of India. The festival involves renovating, and decorating homes and workplaces with diyas (oil lamps) and rangolis (colorful art circle patterns). You can also experience an amazing display of fireworks throughout Indian skies. 

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